Funny that this came up this morning, as today's job is summrising a meeting that took place three weeks ago. OK, OK, I should have done it straight away, but I want to have had one of these.
From Cordis:
The IST-funded Multi-Modal Meeting Manager (M4) project will demonstrate a prototype system that can automatically analyse a meeting in terms of both its structure and content. The system enables an archive of suitable-analysed meetings to be browsed in terms of, for example, who said what during multi-party conversations, what was stated during the various phases (presentations, action lists, summaries, etc.), and more.
This ties back into the discussion about metadata collection [Earl Mardle]. If I could push an annotated archive of FloodRiskNet meetings out onto the web almost as soon as the meeting was over, well, that would be quite cool.
Of course, at the last FloodRiskNet meeting, we split into four groups, so we'd have needed four of these. Prohibitively expensive at the moment, I suspect.
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